The Tree Masters Advice On Proper Tree Care

Knowing the correct method for trimming a tree without causing harm is crucial when it comes to preserving a tree. If you're tired of witnessing our island's trees being hacked, continue reading to discover the appropriate approach to tree trimming as advised by the Tree Masters themselves. With over a decade of expertise, we are skilled pruning experts who have developed effective techniques. Our meticulousness and dedication to tree care will ensure that your trees are left content and in improved health.

What is Tree Topping?

Tree topping is a common term associated with improper tree trimming that most people don’t even realize is harmful. Tree topping is the process of removing large branches or the whole tops of trees with the goal of reducing the tree size. Some other common names for tree topping are “heading” or “rounding over” the tree. This can seem like an easy solution to a homeowner but could potentially increase risk in the long run.

One of the most common reasons for tree topping is when an owner feels that a tree or tree branch is a hazard to their house or property in general. While safety for the home and its owners is the main priority, a tree's safety should also be considered when considering taking this action. 

Why is Tree Topping harmful?

The main problem with tree topping is the stress it causes to a tree. Did you know that a tree's main “food source” is its leaves? When you top a tree, you can potentially reduce its leaves by up to 50% or even 100%. Imagine if someone took away your food source, you would also be stressed out. 

Removing the tree’s leaf barrier crown leads to starvation for the tree and triggers its survival instincts. When a tree is in survival mode it will start growing dormant buds. These dormant buds lead to several shoots growing out of where the tree was cut. Even if these abnormal shoots sprout, it may not be enough to give the tree the nutrients it needs. If the tree is unable to afford the energy to produce the sprouts, then it could weaken and eventually die. 

What will happen if a tree starts to weaken? 

When a tree is weak it is more vulnerable to insects, infection, and disease. Without its strength, it will not be able to fight off these inevitable factors. 

A weak tree without its canopy is also very prone to sunburn. Think of its canopy of leaves as a natural sun barrier. Trees need shade just as much as we do. If we take away that shade the branches and trunk are exposed to the high UVs. 

Why aren’t the new shoots as strong as the old branches?

When the tree is in survival mode and starts to produce new shoots, these grow at an exponential rate. Even though they grow fast that does not mean that they grow strong. The tree is compensating for the lost food source so it will do everything to create new growth, even if that means the new sprouts are not as strong as the old branches. 

If I shouldn’t top my trees, then what should I do if I feel a tree needs to be cut? 

Cutting a tree is perfectly healthy if done the right way. As industry professionals, the Tree Masters can provide excellent techniques to assure your trees are cut properly. Here are a few tips from the Tree Masters themselves to help preserve the natural form of your tree 

 Crown Reduction

A tree care professional can selectively remove specific branches back to a lateral branch that is at least one-third the size of the branch being removed. This helps maintain the tree's natural shape while reducing its overall size.

Crown Thinning

Thinning involves selectively removing certain branches to enhance light penetration and air circulation within the canopy. This can help reduce the tree's density without severely altering its shape or height.

Increased Maintenance

Topped trees require more frequent and costly maintenance, as they often require regular pruning to manage excessive regrowth and maintain a safe structure.

Decay and Infection

The large, open wounds left by topping are slow to heal and provide an entry point for pathogens and decay-causing organisms. This can result in internal decay, rot, and structural weakness over time.

Tree Shaping

Skilled pruning techniques can be used to shape the tree's canopy while maintaining its structure and health. This involves selectively removing branches that are crossing, rubbing, or growing in undesirable directions.


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